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By | January 5th, 2018 | Organic News |

A special delivery was made at a Pittsburgh, Pa., hospital during the holiday season – Christmas bags full of organic foods and all-natural products for women going through chemotherapy treatments. According to recent reports, the organic food market in India is estimated to be worth over $500 million. It is further projected to nearly triple, reaching up to $1.36 billion within the next four years. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s last farming census, young people are returning to farming: The number of farmers between the ages of 25 and 34 increased 2.2 percent between 2007 and 2012. Kimbal Musk has an accelerator program called Square Roots, which teaches millennials how to farm out of a shipping container in Brooklyn. New data released recently by the Food and Drug Administration shows a rise in pesticide residues detected in thousands of samples of commonly consumed foods. Monsanto will give cash back to U.S. farmers who buy a weed killer that has been linked to widespread crop damage, offering an incentive to apply its product even as regulators in several U.S. states weigh restrictions on its use. Also in the news, some pesticides are even more harmful to bees than previously thought. And lastly, neonicotinoids, banned on flowering crops, were found in nearly all rivers tested in England, increasing concerns over their impact on fish and birds.

Christmas bags full of organic food delivered to women going through chemotherapy treatment at Magee Women’s Hospital.
A special delivery was made at Magee Women’s Hospital last week – Christmas bags full of organic foods and all natural products for women going through chemotherapy treatments. The delivery was made by a former patient, Robin Redfern, who remembers how a gift bag during her treatments helped get her through it.

How is India Fast Becoming a Global Leader of Organic Food.

According to recent reports, the organic food market in India is estimated to be worth over $500 million. It is further projected to nearly triple, reaching up to $1.36 billion within the next four years.

Monsanto Now Paying Cash to Farmers Who Use Weedkiller Linked to Millions Worth of Destroyed Crops.

Monsanto Co will give cash back to U.S. farmers who buy a weed killer that has been linked to widespread crop damage, offering an incentive to apply its product even as regulators in several U.S. states weigh restrictions on its use.

English rivers polluted by powerful insecticides, first tests reveal.

Neonicotinoids, banned on flowering crops, were found in nearly all rivers tested, increasing concerns over their impact on fish and birds.

Pesticides even more harmful to bees than previously thought, according to new study.

Low nutrient diets resulting from intensive agriculture make insects even more vulnerable to the harmful effects of neonicotinoid chemicals. 

Elon Musk’s brother is helping millennials quit their desk jobs and become farmers.

Young people are returning to farming: the number of farmers between the ages of 25 and 34 increased 2.2 percent between 2007 and 2012, according to the USDA’s last farming census.

Kimbal Musk has an accelerator, Square Roots, that teaches millennials how to farm out of a shipping container in Brooklyn. Musk says today’s millennial farmers are trying to make a difference in how food is produced.

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