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By | August 30th, 2019 | Organic News |

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified glyphosate, the main active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, as a “probable carcinogen,” setting off a global debate about the world’s most popular weedkiller. New emails released this month show that Monsanto orchestrated efforts to intimidate cancer researchers. Also in the news, a major food company is making big statements about the amount of pesticides used to grow our foods. Over the last five years, General Mills has committed to sourcing its major ingredients, like oats, wheat and sugar from farmers who follow sustainable practices. But now, the maker of Cheerios and Nature Valley granola bars is taking a further step — it is encouraging its farmers to cut their use of pesticides. The New York Times explored the amount of food-related illnesses Americans are currently diagnosed with. The conclusion, improving the American food supply would make the biggest impact on our health care. In climate change news, the world’s resources are under an immediate threat if we don’t address climate change. The Amazon’s lush greenery and network of waterways are at risk in the face of this summer’s record fires. The deforestation and continued loss of vegetation in the Amazon could have a cumulative effect, not only in contributing to climate change but also affecting rainfall patterns around the globe, including the U.S., namely the Midwest, threatening food production and destabilizing ecosystems.

Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us.

Improving the American food supply would make the biggest impact on our health care.

Emails Show Monsanto Orchestrated GOP efforts to Intimidate Cancer Researchers

In 2015, the World Health Organization’s cancer research arm, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified glyphosate, an active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, as a “probable carcinogen,” setting off a global debate about the world’s most popular weed killer.

Climate Change Threatens Food Supply

The world’s resources are under an immediate threat if we don’t address climate change.

Major food processor wants a reduction in pesticide use

Over the last five years, or so, General Mills has committed to sourcing its major ingredients, like oats, wheat, sugar, from farmers who follow sustainable practices. But now, the maker of Cheerios and Nature Valley granola bars is taking a further step — it is encouraging its suppliers (farmers) to cut their use of pesticides.

How Amazon’s fires, deforestation affect the U.S. Midwest

The continued loss of vegetation in the Amazon could have a cumulative effect, not only in contributing to climate change but also affecting rainfall patterns around the globe, including the U.S. Midwest, threatening food production and destabilizing ecosystems, according to the experts.

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